Monday, 11 November 2013


For those of you who are accustomed to my work, "make-shift" is my core concept, both in art and applied arts.

After printing for a few other fellow artists, Sonke (etching), and a few Mapet (sticker A, sticker B) projects (between them the share stickers joint project with Lotek) and following my make-shift printhouse tradition, I accepted a bigger challenge... a 50cX70cm 3 color challenge that is... for ZOFOS.

Mind you this is a make-shift printhouse... and from 12cm stickers... to 35cm t-shirts... a 50X70cm 3 color posters without prior printhouse specifications can be quite a challenge.

Meet "Godzilla" my handmade screen frame made for the occasion... 64,5cm X 91cm (outside), inside 58,5cm X 85cm... Double Bolted!!

Cost so far:
• 3m semi-planed wood = 5 euro
• 95X70cm Mesh = 25 euro
• Bolts & screws ≈ 5 euro

What i woulde have done differently:
Maybe i should have choosen a well planed wood insead of a semi-planed one, it would make tape easier to stick on later when i'll need to stop corners from color bleeding... or i should have varnished it before putting it together.

Separations and Transparencies:
Colors separated, transparencies ready to print... in each transparency 1pt of stroke added for color trapping. Also 8 point stars added to serve as registration marks.

Cost + 3.20 Euro, maybe i'll print a new transparency for the Black color since this one seems chocked in the wave lines.

Ready to print the first colour.


  1. seems awesome! can't wait to see it!

  2. keep checking... i'll be updating... tonight i'll be printing the first tryout.
