Thursday 29 March 2012

25 March 2012 - Greek Crisis Banksified (the revolt)

It looks like someone got a lil too happy about having a stencil near his shop's front door... yup all shini and painted up... he painted over the legs...oh and on my signature too lol...

Still, even if Cacao Rock's wheatpaste got totally buffed... i still feel the same guilty.

Mapet Stickers... more

Wednesday 28 March 2012


New stickers, playing on with the "Hello! My name is" idea.

Saturday 24 March 2012

25 March 2012

This year greeks were banned from the commemorative parade of their National Liberation Day. Athens was behind bars once again, and access was permitted only with "Invitations".

On the one and only "Greek National Liberation Day" where our ancestor's deeds were finally regarded not as the ghost that hounts its unworthy children, but as inspiration to remain unbowed... the presence of their descendants was deemed -by the greek ruling elite-unnecessary...

A little something (Greek Crisis Banksy-fied, part2, the revolt) to commemorate in a worthy manner the 25 March Greek liberation anniversary.

Special thanks to "K", Teo, Sonke, Iliana, Pavlo and last but in no way least, Zoe, for their invaluable help, support and assistance in its realisation.

P.S.: Be your own "Invitation".

I also owe a super special "SORRY DUDE" felt from the very depths of my heart to Cacao Rocks who's wheatpeast steped on, apparently for nothing, as it could have been avoided...
Circumstances at Athens Center have been very strict lately... I surely owe you one!

Thursday 8 March 2012

New stickers - Guaranteed by Siemens

Guaranteed by Siemens (to fail). Ain't you a bit curious why the Siemens logo reminds you vaguely of... something..?

Friday 2 March 2012

Whores for the germans

New stickers... yup!.. That's what you get for beating your own people to give their life savings to foreign banks.

Based on word game with meanings of Tsolias (Evzones, for their security batallion past) and "whore". Bearing the IMF symbol instead the one of justice... who should have long gone...

Thursday 1 March 2012

The Helsingin Sanomat feature, online

For the online version click here.

The Helsingin Sanomat feature, printed

the Google transaliton is:
(Note in some parts i don't undersant it, in some other the meaning seems iversed i'll produce a better version ASAP)

ATHENS. These walls would have none of the is sacred. Athens Exarhian district, the so-called anarchic region, it is difficult to to find a clean wall surface or fence. Kapeinkin the end of the house graffiti is filled, graphic art, or glued just tuherrusta. Politicians get a ride, police and the rest of the world. Absent wrongly named the street artist's trademark the walls are glued linoleum vedokset, with well-known the politician's face attached to a mock connection. "When you keep someone's face in his hands at the same time when you know that is your future in his hands, the feeling that the dominance is normalized, " Absent explains. For example, posters are Absent's SpongeBob SquarePants character-built "Paavo Stern towel " (this means... i guess... ass wipe), which is the former Prime Minister's face. The prints are hand made, but it is inexpensive. "Only ten euros I can make your photos look ridiculous around the city. " Athens is Absent by about six political street art indifferent people. All - except one - see identity of a secret. Absent not reflect actual his name. The age revealed only it is about 40, and occupation, that it is related to graphics. STREET artist is angry Greek politicians. they took the Greece's debt crisis and unable to save it. The rest of Europe knew The situation in Greece, but took advantage of it. corruption Due to Greece was made overpriced shops. "We waited for a bus in winter hour, because the busses where not enough. Instead of buying twenty they bought one at the price of twenty. " Absent also points out that demanding discipline of the German economy creates the growth of Greek budget deficit. "Even the traffic lights are Made by Siemens, it is everywhere. We should be lippuumme its logo (this means... put it on our flag). " That's the subject for the next work of art.

Economic B 3 Greek from another loan program shall be decided today.

My name is in bold letters to underline the fact that it is not the word "absent", and tht it migh had interferred with the meaning in Google transaltion.