Friday 29 October 2010

Night out 7 - Niquita Blitz

Looking for the perfect place to display my two last No Niquita street-linocuts, one from series A and one from series B.

Started wheatpasting near Niquita's elections kiosk... then thoght... who's ever gonna notice it with all those lights near it...

Oh this is in front of the exit of Gkazi metro station. And yeah, people did notice, stopped near by, discussed and laughed about it.

P.S.: It seems "No Niquita started moving amongst bloggers" (we're one week before elections)

Wednesday 20 October 2010

Street Linocut B - Blue "No Niquita"

"No Niquita" - Street Linocut version b (17 copies). This time in Blue and oil-based Blockprint colors.

Problems with Wheatpaste and linocut consist in the fact that Wheatpaste dissolves blockprint - water based colors.
Experimenting I found out that blockprint OIL-BASED colors instead won't dissolve, while pose no problem in the transfer process from lino to paper.
The only trouble is they need much more time to dry... a 24hour drying is advised...
Another problem is that you'll have trouble cleaning both your ink roller as your ink applying surface, i advice powder detergent, since water alone just like Alcohol or even Acetone won't work.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Street Linocut

Preparation. Linocut prints for wheatpasting... first series (A), 12 copies.

Friday 8 October 2010

Kill Bees

A man with a plan, killing bees with his gun... Old Poseidonos Ave.