Thursday 29 December 2011

Vladislav Surkov

Vladislav Surkov portrait for Epohi Weekly.

Happy New Year ya'all : )

Happy Christmas you all and a happy new year.

* Jesus! The troika!..

* ..."And then he told me... if i ever get you again painting on the walls i'm gonna rip your hands off!

Monday 5 December 2011

Hello ya'all

Unfortunately (dunno why) I can't use Google Friend Connect to mail members...
So, hope you get to read this one...

WELCOME YA'ALL : ) thnks for joining.


Karatzaferis - Hello kitty, More relays part III

Found another relay on Local Athens Blog.

Tuesday 15 November 2011



Hats off

Hats off to these dudes!
Payne, Spook, Asem, Melow... looking forward to find and post links about you.

I couldn't feel more honored than this.
Thank you

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Banksified euro girl relayed (TVXS)

A TVXS relay of the banksified Greek crisis, wich you can still see live at the Volos Technological Istitute, or its remake at the Group in-Fusion expo (running untill 29 Oct. 2011). Or at the Xanthi Comedy Fest (kicks off on 19 November).